There comes a time in the life
of every writer when he/she sits down at their laptop ready to work, and finds,
to their dismay, that their minds are as blank as the page in front of them.
To date, it has not been scientifically
proven whether not this affliction is contagious, and reports concerning its
possible fatal consequences have not as yet been confirmed.
That said, it is one mangy pest
of a nuisance when it hits; and the handful of survivors out there can attest to
how doubly hard it is to get rid of. A few cures to it have been found by
veteran writers; divine inspiration being one of them, but for some reason,
that doesn’t seem to be as common as it once was in the Renaissance era.
Simple inspiration, on the other
hand, is a little more common, yet, alas, not common enough in day to day life
to send this miserable affliction the same merry way as smallpox. (It was merry
for us, at least). Examples of such inspiration would be a movie, a book, a conversation, or a
grain of thought that can take root and blossom into something as far away from
a blank page as… well, a piece of writing.