Monday, January 27, 2014

A Hopeful Step Forward

Once I manage to get my fingers onto a keyboard, it starts. The words just flow. Sure, it’s all nonsense at the beginning, and then even after I mess around with the words and switch sentences here and there, it’s still nonsense, albeit edited.

But however much it looks like baloney to you and me, the fact remains; it exists. However, its only thanks to whatever reason it was that lead to my fingers finding their spot over the keys.

See, my problem is GETTING my fingers onto this keyboard. I might have mentioned how lazy I am somewhere back there, and well, this is one of the symptoms. Here, now, I’m typing, only because I finally managed to get myself to type. Wasn’t easy, but well, here I am.

I guess one of the main reasons for this particular spell of redundancy is that I had a bit of major depression within the last five days. I had to say goodbye to a really good friend, and it’s a complicated story. That sort of put me in a pretty deep gloom for a while till N, one of my oldest friends, told me to get a move on and cut to the chase with this whole writing thing.

He had a good point, and he convinced me. I have been wanting to write about N for a while, but I guess I’ll put that to words some other day. For now, he told me to start it up with my stories again, and I guess that’s just what I’m going to do.

This isn’t my first story, nor my second. I don’t do short stories; I’m the type of guy who, if forced to write a short story, will write a sequel to that, and then another sequel, and keep going till lo and behold, it’s a novel after all.

What I’m hoping to begin serializing within the next few weeks is a tale I envisioned roughly a couple of years ago. I have the details all in my head and in my scrap books, and I have already put the first eleven chapters down on paper.

Yes, paper. I don’t know, all my works so far have begun with eight by five inch exercise books. ‘All my works’ would mean the crappy half-novel I started out with, the trilogy that I rewrote twice and am now stuck with on Microsoft Word 2010, and the story about which I was talking about a paragraph ago. The latter, as I said, is just 220 pages so far, and I judge only about a quarter of the way in.

Not impressive at all. I can hardly believe it, I turned to the first page and I see the date I began: 25th September, 2011.

Yikes. THAT is extremely sloppy. And when I say that, I mean sloppy even for me. And now, I guess it’s time I finally begin to start righting my wrongs.

By writing.

(Drumroll, fanfare, trumpet fade)

Yup, that was lame. But never mind, because starting with the very next post (which I have no idea when will be ready), I am going to begin serializing The Legend of Charezahn, something I am really enthusiastic about and I hope that you will appreciate.

Ps, this is the first time I’ll be doing it on keyboard, so there will definitely be changes made to the first few chapters once I’m in deep enough, usually a  few dozen pages or so ahead. Be warned. Though I’ll let you know if there is an edit spree looming.

Somebody who I hold in very high esteem told me not so long ago that if I took a step and tried to show the world what I can do, it might pay off. Mr K, wish me luck.

And with that, I leave you, dear Reader, and I hope you’re eager. You guys are my motivation. Please be there for me.

Taking my next hopeful step forward,

Mathew Wordweaver

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