Thursday, May 8, 2014

May the Month Be With Me

Believe it or not, it’s May already.

We’re already five months into 2014, and yet sometimes I still forget it isn’t 2013 anymore. For instance, every time I remove the battery or SIM card on my beat up old Nokia, I get prompted to reset the time when I switch it on again.

I continuously find myself always having travel to settings immediately after. You know why; to find the “Time and Date” option and change the year to 2014 again.

Nope, I still haven’t settled. As far as I’m concerned, I’ll only truly feel the 2014 vibe somewhere in September. By that point, January will roll around in the blink of an eye and I’ll be stuck till September 2015 writing down 2014 as the date everywhere I go.

The circles of life are many, my friend. This particular one is a regular of mine.

A couple of weeks ago, I’m getting on the bus to town and I notice N’s younger brother there. I decide to go sit by him, and we begin to chat.

I ask him what’s new, and he tells me that he has his exams coming up this May. I sympathize with the guy. After all, that was me five years ago, worrying about my first big paper. But even as I say the right things, inside my head I’m going, “Aw, the wee wittle kid, still having his wee wittle…”

That’s when I literally stopped in mid-thought there, because a memory hit me so hard, it felt like I had just gotten a whack on the back of the head with a rolled up newspaper.

I had completely forgotten the fact that I had an exam this month, too. The one to do with management accounting strategy… and yep, it was one that I should have already gone past now. Except for the slight fact that I missed the 50 pass mark by a measly 8.

There I was, in that bus, frozen with my mouth open, and realized that I was literally looking down the barrel of a paper fraught with dividends, EPS calculations, strategic analysis, and the God Forsaken numbers, and I wasn’t even worried.

Somehow, I managed to take care of that last part pretty quick after that.

So, looks like the biggest news of May ’14 for me is the exam on the 22nd. After that, I’m free for a while… and let’s hope The Legend of Charezahn can take a larger leap out of my mind and onto Word than it has done so far.

There are, of course, other things that have to do with May this year. For instance, Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you!), and then the much awaited X-Men Days of Future Past is out on the 23rd; precisely the day after the exam. Voice of Optimism says that I should be happy; thanks to that date, I won’t have any temptation or distraction before the day of the all-important exam. I tell the Voice of Optimism to go have a word with the Voice of Common Sense, and leave me alone.

And by the way, today would mark Day 46 that I have been going without Wi-Fi, and my ancient mobile phone is feeling the strain. I have been forced to use a time based, mobile network modem that, in short, is a waste of good money when I have to log in on my laptop to post and do my research. But The Blog Must Go On, and so here I am, burning money to bring this to light.

Sometimes, it’s best that the future is hidden from you. See, if I had known back on the 22nd of March that this ‘temporary internet problem’ would still be unsolved by the 8th of May… I have an explosive temper and tend to take it out on stuff near me. And after all the complaints and the threatening… sigh. Everything happens for a good reason, or so my mother tells me.

The rest of May looms ahead, and I guess that I’m going to have to make do, somehow. Still, it started off pretty well; made new friends, had fun with The Iron Writers, still stuck to this infernal blog, and made quite a bit of progress with Charezahn, too. Nothing to say it won’t stay the same throughout, so here’s hoping for the best.


  1. Good luck with the 22nd! (the studying will help with your writing, believe me...:-))

    1. That's an extremely valid point you make. Productivity is never as high as it is when I'm NOT supposed to be writing :D
